Japanese training tailors lessons to needs of the nursing care house

lessons based on personal Japanese levels and needs of the nursing care house

We provide the best appropriate lessons based on their Japanese leves (EPA , Technical intern trainee Specified skilled worker) ,their goals and nursing care house’s needs. To provide the best lesson we conduct an interview regarding the client needs and the level required on work site. After that Japanese language teacher propose lessons tailored the goal and personal levels.

介護施設向けレッスン らぴす日本語教室
You can take lessons at any time you want and as much time you like.

We make a plan of lessons in line with your wishes (schedule and budget) like as “I want to take a lesson before work” “I want to held a lesson on this day every week”

You can take lessons at any time you want and as much time you like.

We make a plan of lessons in line with your wishes (schedule and budget) like as “I want to take a lesson before work” “I want to held a lesson on this day every week”

You can take a lesson at any place you want to, in case of remote area.

We arrange a teacher for lessons at any places such as classrooms or on-line in line with client’s lifestyle. In addition, nursing care house can make an arrangement lesson tailored the needs, for example one-on-one private lesson or group lesson.


Lesson Fee

The lesson fees for nursing care homes depends on requests. If you request for a quotation, please contact us using the form below.

※Business hours Week day 9:00~18:00

Example Lesson

once a week 90minutes face-to-face group lesson specified skilled worker 3students

→goal : aim to pass JLPT N2

らぴす日本語教室  グループレッスン
twice a week 60 minutes online private lesson EPA 1student

→goal: study basic Japanese language and to be able to communicate with user of nursing care house

らぴす日本語教室 オンラインレッスン

Student’s opinion


Name: Tamang Nationality: Nepal Specified skills worker 1year in Japan

The nursing care house I work for is in a remote area. There is no Japanese language school for foreigners. But I wanted to study Japanese while working. So the nursing care house had called a teacher at this workplace in order to teach us before. But the teacher seemed to be difficult to teach because of the difference in our Japanese levels. On the other hand, it is easy to study at Lapis Japanese class because it teaches only in groups of the same level of students. In addition, the class takes up our detailed requests other than lessons because of the registration support organization. It is very helpful for us.


Name: Jyotei Nationality: Nepal Specified skills worker 1year in Japan

It is difficult to take a lesson scheduled every month for me, because I am a worker. But Lapis Japanese language class flexibly arranges the date of lesson in line with our schedule. It is very helpful for me. My job is busy but I want to keep studying Japanese and to take an examination for a nursing care worker. And a teacher always teaches us kindly.


Name: Jyotei Nationality: Nepal Specified skills worker 1year in Japan


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